What is environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution is the introduction of pollutants or energy into the environment, caused by human activity or natural processes that have or may have harmful effects on the quality of the environment and human health.
Air pollution is the introduction of harmful natural and synthetic substances into the atmosphere as a direct or indirect consequence of human activities. Contaminants can be solid, liquid or gaseous. Polluted air affects the living world in different ways: it affects the health of people and other living organisms, climate change, changes in water flows, soil.

What is emission?

The emission is the release of pollutants into environmental media: water, air and soil. The Law on Environmental Protection (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 135/2004, 36/2009, 36/2009 – other law, 72/2009 – other law and 43/2011 – US decision) regulates the environmental protection system. The Law on Air Protection (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 36/09) ensures the preservation of the atmosphere as a whole with all its processes and climatic characteristics.

Who is authorized to perform emission measurements and what are the permitted methods?

Authorization to measure air emissions has any legal entity that meets the requirements, in terms of technical and personnel equipment, prescribed by the Rulebook on conditions for issuing permits for measuring air quality and permits for measuring emissions from stationary pollution sources (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 1 of 11 January 2012). and which is accredited according to the requirements of the standards SRPS ISO / IEC 17025 and SRPS CEN / TS 15675, by the Accreditation Body of Serbia, for conducting measurements of pollutant emissions into the air and waste gas parameters according to standard, reference methods prescribed by the Regulation on Pollutant Emissions into the air from stationary sources of pollution (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 05/16).

Who is obliged to hire an authorized legal entity for air emission measurements and what is the dynamics of these measurements?

Warranty measurement performed after the construction or reconstruction of the facility, in order to compare the measured values ​​of pollutant emissions with emission limit values ​​and it is performed in the period between the third and sixth month from the start of trial operation of a stationary pollution source, at maximum capacity of a stationary pollution source,
Occasional measurement (described above),
Control measurement performed on stationary pollution sources on which continuous emission measurement is performed.

Continuous emission measurement is a continuous measurement of pollutant emissions during the period of operation of stationary pollution sources with automatic measuring systems (which provide data on the concentration and mass flow of pollutants in waste gas) and is performed by the operator with the consent of the competent Ministry.

The authorized legal entity for emission measurement submits to the operator a report on each performed emission measurement, prepared in accordance with Article 34 of the Regulation on measurements of air pollutant emissions from stationary pollution sources (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 05/16), which is the operator obliged to submit to the competent Ministry.

How to build measurement site in accordance with the legal regulations?

According to the Decree on Measurements of Emissions of Pollutants into the Air from Stationary Pollution Sources (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 05/16), the operator is obliged to provide a representative measuring point on the emitter (after the emission reduction device if such a device exists) for safe measurement emissions of pollutants into the air, sampling and storage of measuring devices in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of SRPS EN 15259 and prepare it for the measurement of emissions, as well as to plan the measurement time in agreement with the authorized legal entity for measuring emissions.
Determining the position and equipment of representative measuring points for periodic and continuous emission measurement is performed by an authorized legal entity in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of SRPS EN 15259. In order to control the correct operation of the continuous emission measurement system, the operator is obliged to set additional measuring points in accordance with standard requirements. SRPS EN 15259.

In order for the obtained results of the flue gas test to represent the actual state of the flue gas in the chimney (flue) and with regard to the technical characteristics of the emitter, the following requirements should be met to obtain reliable results:

The composition of the gas must be representative at the sampling point,
The spatial distribution of pollutants must be maximally homogeneous in the given conditions in relation to the grid sampling plane,
The gas flow must be straight and undisturbed,
It is necessary that there is a continuous flow through the measuring section.

The most important requirements for designing a measurement site relate to:

Measuring section,
Measuring holes,
Workspace and work platform.

See details in the document General principles for the selection of measuring points ….

What are the QAL2,AST and QAL3 tests?

Operators who, according to the Regulation on Limit Values ​​of Air Pollutants from Stationary Pollution Sources, except for Combustion Plants (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 111/15) have the obligation to continuously measure emissions, must provide:

Installation of an automatic measuring system that meets the requirements prescribed by Article 25 of the Regulation on measurements of emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary pollution sources (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 05/16) and standards SRPS EN 14181 and SRPS CEN / TR 15983,
Correctness and uninterrupted operation of the automatic measuring system, as well as protection against unauthorized use,
Regular maintenance and control of the correctness of the automatic measuring system in accordance with the level 3 (QAL 3) confidence assurance given in the standard SRPS EN 14181,
Regular annual verification of the correctness of the automatic measuring system during the operation of a stationary pollution source in accordance with Article 21, Paragraph 1, Item 1) of the Regulation on measurements of air pollutant emissions from stationary pollution sources (Official Gazette of RS, No. 05/16) and the annual verification procedure (“AST”) given in standards SRPS EN 14181 and SRPS CEN / TR 15983,
Calibration of the automatic measuring system during the operation of a stationary pollution source in accordance with the procedure for ensuring confidence level 2 (“QAL 2”) given in the standards SRPS EN 14181 and SRPS CEN / TR 15983.

The correctness of the device for continuous emission measurement is ensured by meeting the requirements of the standard SRPS EN 14181 and tests defined by this standard.

Level 2 (QAL 2) confidence assurance and regular annual testing of the continuous emission measurement device (“AST”) shall be carried out by an authorized legal entity for emission measurement using the measurement methods given in Article 7 of the Regulation on Air Pollutant Emission Measurements from stationary sources of pollution (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 05/16) and Annex 1 of the said Regulation.
Level 2 trust assurance (“QAL 2”) is performed at least once every five years, while regular annual testing of continuous emission measurement devices (“AST”) is performed once a year, as well as after each significant change or repair of the meter, relocation, etc.), unless otherwise provided by the integrated permit.

The authorized legal entity submits a report to the operator, which the operator is obliged to submit to the competent Ministry.

Why take care of the environment?

It is necessary to take care of the environment because the natural resources air, water and land are not unlimited and indestructible and it is imperative to preserve them to be usable by ourselves and to preserve them to be available to future generations.

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